I guess you can call me an author this year. After finally quitting my job I was at for almost 12 years, I decided to take charge of my life and do something for me. I write what I feel and what I am going through. I don’t fit into any category because I like living outside the box. Pretty much my whole life I have tried to fit into someone else’d box that was not made for me. So I created my own. I’m not a non-fiction author, nor do I just write children’s books. I want to do it all, so I will.

I create my own rules and live by my standards not what society decides to label me as. Did I mention I am a Scorpio? Well when you start reading my books, it will all make sense. F*ck the norm! I create my own reality. I like being the weird person in the room. I enjoy walking in my backyard barefooted, hoping I won’t step on dog shit! I’m enjoying who I am becoming.

Natasha is a brand new author and holistic healer, celebrated for her transformative “Butterfly Energy” book series. With a profound dedication to mental health and healing, Natasha combines personal experiences and professional expertise to guide readers through the stages of healing from trauma.

Her journey began with “Butterfly Energy: The Caterpillar,” a powerful exploration of the initial phase of personal transformation. This was followed by “Butterfly Energy: The Chrysalis,” delving into the deep, introspective work required for true healing, and “Butterfly Energy: The Butterfly,” which celebrates the emergence into a new, empowered self.

In addition to her writing, Natasha is working on creating a groundbreaking modality that integrates quantum physics with traditional healing practices. She is passionate about teaching and certifying others in this unique approach to energy work.

Natasha is also working on creating an Entrepreneurship Academy called The EchoSphere Project for underprivileged and underrepresented youth. This project is focused on building the entrepreneurship mindset and provide guidance for success. 

Natasha’s work is a testament to the power of transformation and the belief that everyone has the potential to heal and thrive.